New Term Swimming Lessons On Sale Now!

The new term of swimming lessons at the Swim Ireland Pop-Up Pool in Blessington are on sale NOW!

Swim Lessons will run from the week starting Monday November 7th until the week starting Monday December 12th 2022.

There are levels to suit everyone including Parent & Baby and Preschool classes, Adult lessons and children’s lessons.

You can book online here

Need help choosing your Child’s Swimming lesson class with Swim Ireland? Swim Ireland have put together some tips on how to judge which level class would best suit your child.

Please keep in mind….when deciding which level to book your child into, it is much better to move
your child up a class because what they are doing is too easy than moving them down because it is
too difficult.  A negative experience caused by fear can damage their confidence and be much harder
to overcome and as such will hamper progress. Being at ease and relaxed, where a child feels
comfortable, will allow them to feel safe and this will only enhance their learning experience. When
selecting the level of class for your child, and you have any doubt at all…choose the lower level –
Swim Ireland will always move your child up to the next level if they are in the wrong class or the
activities are too easy for them.

Level 1
This Level is for complete non-swimmers, your child may not have done swimming lessons before,
be a minimum of 4 years old and not able to go into the water independently. Normally children in
this level will be nervous of putting their face in the water and uncomfortable when they are out of
their depth or without parental support.

Level 2
This level is for beginners who can move around the pool wearing arm bands or swim discs, your
child will learn to be safe without any floatation aids, will learn to move under the water and on top
of the water. By the end of this level your child will be able to float unassisted on their front and
their back and be able to move through the water over 5m.

Level 3
This level is for children who can submerge under the water and float on their front and their back
without any artificial aids or any physical support from an Assistant Swimming Teacher. Your child
will be able to move comfortably but won’t have any specific stroke technique. By the end of this
level your child will be able to show basic kicking action of all four strokes, hold a streamline position
and be in a position to keep themselves water safe.

Level 4
This level is for children who can show kicking action of all four strokes and will begin to learn the
arm action and develop their technique over 10m.

Level 5
This level is for children who can show kicking action in all four strokes and can show arm action in
three strokes (frontcrawl, backcrawl and breaststroke), will learn to develop butterfly arm action and
will perform each part of the stroke over 15m.


For more information or if you have any questions please email

Thank you for your support.

#poolforWestWicklow #getWestWicklowSwimming
